Product Catalogs for download:
We inform that you can receive from us free advertising materials for your store in the form of posters or graphic files.
If you want posters, look at the thumbnails below and choose the numbers of those that interest you. Each of them has a version for hanging on the wall or stick.
After selecting interesting materials, write to us by e-mail: and enter the numbers of those you have chosen. Posters we will try to send to you along with the nearest order in our store.
Attention! We do not reserve the right to graphic intervention in the banners in the area of our logo. If you don't want the "Delta" logo on your banner, you can cover it with your own logo or one of the following.
Banner with sizes 80 x 150 cm:
Banner with sizes 150 x 80 cm:
If you are interested in materials in the electronic version, you can download the following graphic files: